Sunday, April 17, 2011

Review - Lush Les Cacas

Caca, is a product of Lush which is simply an enhanced version of henna. Henna in India is used for mehendi tattoo as well as a conditioner and a color for hair. All these years I have been using henna on and off for my hair. My natural hair color is dark brown but whenever I have used henna they have given a red highlight to my hair which is more visible in the sun. 

My experience with LUSH caca has been great. This is like any traditional henna which gives your hair a color highlight. But the best part about this henna is that you have a choice of four colors which I havnt see in traditional henna available in the market (atleast I havnt found any). Plus this has been mixed with cocoa butter for extra conditioning as even though henna is good for your hair, it does tend to leave your hair texture dry and coarse. The cocoa butter in the LUSH caca leaves it soft and smooth. There are also loads of different natural ingredients mixed along with cocoa butter which conditions your hair. These ingredients are mixed with henna and then pressed in the form of blocks.

The four hennas have different effects on different types of hair as far as the color is concerned. Light color hair will get brighter colors as compared to dark hair.
I tried the coco brun which is supposed to give your hair a brown highlight. This henna didn't change my hair color as my base is naturally brown. If this henna is used on blonde hair, it will turn the hair brown. Therefore as i have a dark base, next time i will use a color like rouge mixed with brun or maroon.

Price :  INR 910 for one Bar (Each bar as 6 small blocks)

The four different henna colors available at Lush are:
(Description from Lush India website)

"Pure Persian henna mixed with Indian indigo for blue-black tints. It is an ancient Indian tradition to mix red henna with powder from the dried, fermented indigo root, to give dark hair deep blue glints. Indigo is not cheap, so there are some synthetic 'black hennas' around, but we want you to stay away from those! Lush Caca Noir is red henna with indigo powder, clove oil scent and Irish moss seaweed for softness. Cover it with Clingfilm and keep it damp for a redder colour, or let it air dry for a black/blue tint. Pick up any bits which fall on the floor or it'll dye the rugs, too."

"The subtle coffee-coloured one. Caca Brun is made with black and red hennas, plus ground coffee for a deep brown shade. It makes your hair smell like a fresh espresso for a few days. Clove bud oil adds to its spicy scent and we use powdered nettle and seaweed for extra shine and softness. Caca Brun gives your hair a magnificent shine. We recommend it for people with a mousy, undecided hair colour. It's time to make your mind up and come out really shiny brown!"

"Dark red-brown like fresh conkers and as shiny as a new penny. Caca Marron gives a dark red, rich chestnut brown which causes people to comment on its beauty. Really! The coffee gives a strong, deep brown and red henna gives it a glossy, dark red colour to grab the attention. The wild herby, coffee and clove scent is wonderfully natural. Visit a shop and ask the staff which of them use Marron and you'll buy a block."

"The really red one for hair like sunsets. It's red and no mistake. This is the finest Persian red henna with cocoa butter to make it adhere better to the hair and give even more colour, lemon juice for extra shine, rosemary for additional extra shine and clove bud oil because it smells good and warms and stimulates your scalp. You should only use this if you want really red hair."

How to use Lush Cacas:
As these are in the form of blocks the best way is to grate as much Henna as you need. One whole bar has six blocks in it. For hair as long as mine (till the waist) i use four blocks. So with anyone having shorter hair, one bar can last for 2-3 applications. Add some boiling water to the Henna, wait for 5 minutes and then mix it well to make a paste. Be careful of the mixture getting too thin otherwise it will be dripping from your hair. In a big pan put water to boil. Place the bowl containing the water in the pan while the water is boiling. This will indirectly heat the henna. Heat it till it is hot to touch, something which u can manage on your hair for application (this henna has to be applied hot as per Lush, I guess that way the cocoa butter melts better) Apply all over your head and then cover up with a shower cap for a brighter color or leave to air dry for a deeper darker color. Leave it for as much as 4-6 hours and then wash out. Washing out the henna might be trickier than the regular henna because of the cocoa butter in it. The result is soft, shiny hair with a beautiful tinge of color!!
Another thing i liked about this product was that i loathed the way my hair smelled for a week after applying regular henna. But after using Lush caca i really liked the way my hair smelled.

I know it is a very messy and a long process and you need one whole day to do this. But in the end its all worth it!! Will update you guys with the result once i try out Rouge and Maroon.

Ratings: ✰✰✰✰ + 0.5
Will I buy this again: Yes

Let me know your views if u try or have already tried Lush cacas.


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